Monday, September 29, 2008

Barbara Ann

my fish's name is barbara ann. she is a very good fish and is a female betta. i actually have her because my friend Shannon bought her and named her to be a friend to her other fish Beatrice. as soon as barbara ann was in the same bowl as beatrice, beatrice freaked out! so i ran to get a different bowl. now she lives with me. i am so glad her is with me because Barbara Ann eats, alot, unlike my neighbor's fish. and lately she has been changing colors. my first thought after shannon brought her home was why did she buy this one...its ugly. just light brown tannish color. plain. but now she is changing to a dark with green scales and blue in her fins. its been fun to watch her. i put this plastic plant thing in her vase/bowl thing and she loves to swim in and out and around them. its cute :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

very cute!!! I had a red beta once. don't rememeber what happened to it! Miss you!